I FEEL that I had to write to commend your local community hospital.

During the summer we spent two nights moored at Workmans Gardens. For a week I had suffered severe toothache and by chance on a Saturday night we spotted the hospital just along from the moorings. I was surprised to find the A and E open so late on Saturday, and even more surprised (after a wait of no more than 15 minutes) to be told I would be able to see a dentist on Sunday morning. By 11am on Sunday, my treatment was complete, x rays, draining abscess and filling plus prescription for antibiotics. The dentist and his assistant were friendly and cheerful and the treatment first class (my own dentist said so), the cost - under £20. The same treatment here cost £67 last year. Thank you once again.

ROSEMARY HALE, Gordon Road, Wallasy, Wirral.