I READ your article 'Noise probe at motorbike site' today, the same day that I received a letter from an environmental health officer at Stratford informing me that the noise nuisance we have to put up with from similar events is "not substantiated."

I sympathise with the residents of Abbotts Lench. This type of noise is not only incredibly loud, but also grates on the nerves. Mr Gill is most altruistic (I take it he makes no money out of this) in 'keeping' these kids 'off the streets' - they are obviously very needy children (how much do these bikes cost?) and of course they should be accommodated at the expense of local people's peace. I don't think so! Still, Abbotts Lench residents, you are lucky to have only moto-cross events. In our area, we also have auto-cross. Both allowed 14 days - total 28 days, usually in the summer, just when we would like to sit quietly in our garden. I wish you more luck than us - we are obviously imagining it all.

LINDA AND FRASER EDWARDS, Sidelands Road, Stratford.