IN these very difficult times we could all be forgiven for dreaming of bygone days of the English village and for a village life that I thought had disappeared.

Last Saturday I found out it still lives on in the village of Eckington which I visited for their twice yearly sale of new, nearly new and rummage in aid of the Cobalt Appeal Fund of Cheltenham. I arrived mid morning and already there was a hive of activity preparing the village hall for the afternoon sale. I met 'Dot' (Mrs Dorothy Ludlow) who organises these sales and sells goods donated to the appeal all year round, and her ever smiling, happy band of helpers both young and not so young. Some with their own personal reasons for being there, others for village pride and just wanting to get involved. By lunchtime the tables had been set, the cakes and vegetables and teas laid out in the kitchen. Tombola, plants etc on one corner of the car park and a giant bric a brac stall on the other side.

Afternoon saw the skies clear and a large crowd gather and for two hours a frenzy of buying, tea drinking, meeting old friends and relations and generally enjoying the occasion. Then it was the grand draw' and it was all over.

The band of helpers cleared the hall put the tables and chairs away and 'Dot' retired for a few days before starting again. For a few short hours the dream came true.

MARTIN LEE, St James Drive, Evesham.