ON the night of Tuesday October 9, while one of our colleagues was walking down Radford Avenue, Kidderminster, he saw a gang of people shouting abuse and throwing eggs at a Muslim gentleman.

This behaviour is completely unacceptable in Kidderminster. We can understand people's anger at terrorists, but there are terrorists claiming to represent all kinds of religions, not just Muslims.

The truth is that terrorists truly represent none. All major religions condemn murder and violence.

Attacking people for their beliefs, or the colour of their skins, attacks the very core of democracy itself.

In reality, those who attack innocent people have more in common with the terrorists than anyone.

It is clear that this was not an isolated occurrence either.

Last week's Shuttle/Times & News had an article regarding a trader in the Horsefair who has also suffered abuse from these, or other, thugs, and many people around Kidderminster may well have witnessed similar occurrences.

We therefore call on people from all sectors of the community to unite in their opposition to this behaviour, and, just as our colleague did, report any such incidences to the police, so that they can take appropriate action.

Let's make sure that people who behave in this way can not get away with it.

Now, more than ever, we need to join together as a community, and to resist attacks against those who are of a different belief, colour or nationality.


Pitt Street, Kidderminster

(On behalf of Broadwaters Labour Party)