THE Shuttle/Times & News published an article which highlighted that Cookley village had figures which put it "bottom of the pile for health".

At the recent public meeting it became clear that the figures were very skewed, for three reasons:

Firstly, the presence of Lea Castle Hospital residents in Cookley ward artificially raised the numbers on disability allowances.

Secondly, the Westley Court care unit residents raised the already high number of Cookley people receiving attendance allowance.

Thirdly, Cookley has a high birth rate for twins. A twin is usually of lower birth weight than a single baby, which explains the higher than average number of babies of low birth rate.

At the meeting, Peter Forrester, director of the Wyre Forest Primary Care Trust, did make it clear, in response to concerned residents, that back-up services were needed to cope with the higher number of elderly people who are being cared for in the community, and I welcome his suggested proposals for additional resources in this area.

Finally, the newspaper article referred to an extra part-time doctor for Cookley.

This good news is much appreciated and was agreed with the regional health authority months before the publication of the Public Health Report.

It will enable a permanent appointment to be made, rather than relying on the good-will of locums.



Lea Lane, Cookley