WITH reference to the letter s in last week's Shuttle/Times & News re St John's Church, J Windridge is correct that Jesus did not need a licence to preach.

However, Rev Charles Raven is not the son of God and is employed by the Church of England and is paid and housed by them.

Both he and the Rev Kelvin Shilvock are using church buildings to preach in. The Church of England has certain rules and regulations which employees agree to abide by, including the need to be licensed to work as a Church of England vicar in a certain area.

These licences are given by the Bishop and during their employment the Bishop of the diocese is effectively one of their bosses.

If Rev Raven has such an abhorrence of the Church of England, he should cease using their facilities and taking their money and use other means to fund his "freelance" ministry.


Addenbrooke Crescent
