I WRITE in response to the letter from J Windridge a last week.

Jesus did not need a licence to preach, but he did not have a salary or rent-free vicarage paid for by the the Diocese of Worcester.

The Rev Charles Raven seems happy to take his salary and live in church property yet he is encouraging his supporters not to contribute to the diocese that pays for these things.

The current world situation highlights the dangers of religious fundamentalism. Both Islam and Christianity should promote peace and understanding, but Charles Raven seems intent on promoting intolerance and division.

J Windridge has even divided Christians into those who are "true" believers and those who are not.

If Rev Raven wishes to continue to preach once his licence expires, that is up to him, but I suggest he finds his own church, his own house and arranges for his own supporters to fund him!


Sutton Park Road
