100 years ago

October 19, 1901

EVESHAM: Frederick Grinnell, a labourer of Church Street, Evesham, was summoned for discharging fireworks in the street at Bengeworth on October 8. Defendant pleaded guilty. PC Grove proved the case, and defendant was fined 2s 6d, including costs.

75 years ago

October 23, 1926

BECKFORD: What might have been a far more destructive fire occurred at Beckford Hall on Thursday morning. Smoke from the billiard room was put down to a flue in the servants hall and Gloucester Fire Brigade were called to extinguish the fire. The damage is estimated at £300.

50 years ago

October 20, 1951

EVESHAM: Evesham Town Council is maintaining its high rate of housing progress and 1951 will easily be their best housing year since the last war. In the 12 months which ended on March 31, 78 houses were completed in the town and since then they have built 47 and started another 47.

25 years ago

October 21, 1976

WYCHAVON: Wychavon members voted by 21 to 10 on Tuesday not to ban smoking at the full council meetings. The committee had before it a recommendation from the health committee that smoking should be banned. It set an example by deciding to ban smoking at health meetings.