CAMPAIGNERS against Kidderminster's Crown House are being urged to fight the leaseholder's battle to revamp the "eyesore" building.

Trillium is appealing against Wyre Forest District Council's refusal to allow it to fit bronze-laminated double glazing and repaint panels on the building in Bull Ring.

Margaret Bradley, leader of CATCH - Campaign Against The Crown House - branded the proposed changes "cheap and nasty" at the time of the planning application in May.

She formed the action group, which has 20 members, to campaign for the demolition of the building. Trillium has appealed to Environment Secretary John Prescott against the council's planning (development control) committee's decision to refuse the revamp.

Original objections have been forwarded to the Planning Inspectorate, and additional letters must be sent in by November 12.

Three copies of objection letters should be sent to The Planning Inspectorate, 3/08B Kite Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol BS1 6PN quoting reference number APP/R1845/A/01/1074009. Mrs Bradley is offering to help with word-processing and copying . She can be contacted on 01562 751043.