THE Norwick Players amateur dramatic group is urging Vale folk who like a laugh to make a beeline for Norton and Lenchwick Village Hall this week.

Members are putting on a variety evening in an exchange of chuckles for cash in aid of Children in Need .

Under the watchful eye of Martin Smith, they have been busy rehearsing comedy sketches and musical numbers for the show which comes complete with a fish and chip supper, or chips and sausage for kids.

Chair of the Norwick Players, Lynn Davies said: "This is a chance for members to do their own thing - all in a good cause."

The fun kicks off at 7.30pm in the village hall tomorrow (Friday) and Saturday.

Tickets at £7 for adults and £5 for children can be obtained from Bev Churchill on 01386 870544 or Kim Cresswell on 01386 871583.

Supper, tea and coffee are included in the price, but audiences are invited to take along their own alcoholic drinks if desired.

Teddy bears are expected to pay a nominal 10p and the evening will include raffles to which spectators are invited to support.