THERE are times when a bear's gotta do what a bear's gotta do - and Monday was one of them.

Helped by First Broadway Brownies, teddy bears gathered at the top of Broadway Tower to take a great leap into the big unknown all in the name of charity.

Strapped to their backs were parachutes, made and decorated by Brownies, and the length of each bear's jump was timed, with a prize going to the one with the most graceful descent.

Afterwards, relieved bears - and their owners - returned to St Mary's School, in the village, for some well-earned refreshments and a fund-raising raffle.

The action-packed day was the Brownie pack's response to the Worcestershire Guides Association county commissioner's challenge to raise £50 towards the Acorns children's hospice which is to be built in Worcester. Thanks to the daredevil bears, First Broadway Brownies are confident they've more than made their target.