Ebrington & District Garden Club: The club had a very interesting and stimulating talk on October 9 by Peter Pashley who has only recently retired from his career as a writer for the Birmingham Mail. The talk guided everyone through his experiences and education as a gardener throughout his journalistic career specializing in garden matters. His gardening education was extended through his contacts with many well known gardeners, in particular the late Geoff Hamilton. He described how he had started and the garden tours that he has conducted. Peter Pashley also gave a talk mainly about the creation of his garden but also about Indoor Plants, with slides, to the members. He very kindly brought along specimens of Penstemons to give to the members, which were much appreciated. During his career he has had close involvement with Proculture of Evesham, who sponsored this very entertaining talk, and with Webb Seeds. The next meeting of the garden club will be on November 13 at 7.30pm, in Ebrington Village Hall, when Richard Neath, M Hort, head gardener at Pershore College for 30 years, will give a talk about home vegetable growing. Anyone wishing to attend this talk will be most welcome. (01386) 593085.