CSRF: Over 30 members of the Evesham group of the Civil Service Retirement Fellowship met in the function room of the Library in Oat Street on October 9. After welcoming all present, Mrs Anne Innes, chairman, referred to the 25th anniversary celebration to take place on November 7 and thanked Brenda and Eric Marsh for their hard work in making all the arrangements necessary for such an event. Brenda distributed programmes giving details of pick-up points for the coach which will take 58 past and present members to the Malvern Theatre for the anniversary lunch and matinee performance of The Pirates of Penzance. Mrs Innes reminded members to search their cupboards and attics for suitable contributions to the annual bring and buy to be held on Tuesday, November 13 which will be combined with presentation by councillor Mark Robinson, Evesham Town Mayor of the Lottery Award Certificate in the Small Grants 'Award for all' scheme and an anniversary birthday cake, when a full attendance is anticipated. Mrs Innes then introduced Mr Wolfe Wahle who gave an illuminating talk on his wartime experiences which began when he was 14 years old in Germany. At 17 he was drafted into the Luftwaffe and taken prisoner in September 1944, where he learned to speak English, eventually coming to England to work in an agricultural camp. Three and a half years after the war ended he was released and was among the 75% of ex-prisoners who married English girls and remained here. His talk was peppered with many stories, some humorous and many surprising which were greatly appreciated by his audience.

PHOTOGRAPHY: Next Monday The Vale of Evesham Camera Club will be holding a 'Members Evening', open forum print/slide critique and summer photos, at The Friends Meeting House, Cowl Street, Evesham, 7.15pm for a 7.30pm start.

Evesham Mayor's Diary:

SATURDAY: 7.30pm, attend Evesham Sea Cadets Trafalgar dinner at T S Explorer, South Littleton.

WEDNESDAY: 10am, Mayor to attend EPHA Tenants' open/fun day at Bengeworth School.