YOUTH PROJECT: The theme evening held last Saturday in aid of Youth Project funds was a resounding success and glowing reports can be heard in conversations about the event. The Hollywood theme prompted some imaginative dressing-up, so that many famous Hollywood personalities were present, most of them being very ready to delight their fans by signing autographs. Kate Winslet and Peter O'Toole rubbed shoulders with Clint Eastwood, Humphrey Bogart, Lauren Bacall, Snow White and Superman .. while aliens and other unidentified creatures lurked in the background .. even the Invisible Man was present though it would be true to say that he experienced considerable difficulty in eating his meal. This was a tasty three-course affair, well up to the normal standard expected on these occasions and it was punctuated between courses by cabaret acts of (we are told) very high quality, the finale being a riotous of Crocodile Rock by Elton John. At 11.30pm the cars in the car park turned into pumpkins but, mysteriously, the celebrities were spirited away. Roger Beard adds a rider: Those attending who might not want their children to see their behaviour recorded on the official video should contact him! (Is there a nasty whiff of blackmail in the air - justifiable, perhaps, when all profits are destined for the Project funds?)

ST JAMES' CHURCH SOCIAL COMMITTEE: Plans are being made for a celebration of the Queen's Jubilee next year which will take the form of an exhibition, in church, of hobbies and crafts. The exact date will be determined later, but will probably be towards the end of May. Committee members are seeking help from the village. Do you, personally, have a hobby or expertise in a craft of some kind, which you would be willing to exhibit (perhaps, even, to demonstrate?) at an exhibition of this kind? Do you know of someone who does? Alternatively, could you lend photographs of the Sports Day which took place on the village cricket field on Coronation Day, or have you any memories of that day which could be put on record? The committee feels that there must be a wealth of information amongst residents and they would be grateful to be given access to it. Please contact any member of the church who would be glad to put you in touch with someone on the committee.