Minutes of meeting held in Lower Moor Village Hall.

n Conservation: Mr F Roberts will give a talk on the management of the water meadow and its wildlife at the November meeting of the Parish Council.

Council vacancy: The clerk to advertise a vacancy by co-option of a new Council member.

Beat Manager: The beat manager PC Storr has arranged a meeting with parishioners and a group of young people to address specific issues.

Village Green: Fencing around the village green is now complete thanks to Springs Park management. Work is in hand for the pedestrian gate and notice board to be repaired and to be reinstalled as soon as possible.

Roads: The programme of work agreed with the Highways Authority continues. The council recognises the amount of work that has already been carried out. A progress review with the Highways Authority raised two concerns - drainage problems in a specific low level area of Salters Lane and the resurfacing of a section of Church Lane.

Foot and Mouth: Cllr Gordon expressed his concern that should another emergency occur, the site at Throckmorton could be re-opened. Cllr Marshall to write to DEFRA to ask what the current plans are and what other sites would be made available.

Planning: An application by Mr Strange of Upper Moor to demolish an existing out- building to provide a single storey extension for new kitchen, bathroom and utility room. The Council raised no objections. A number of issues were raised with reference to the Appeal by Simms & Woods upheld by the Inspectorate. Resubmission of a planning application for the erection of buildings at Springhill Farm has raised concerns from parish council(s) residents and CPRE. The concern is the unsuitability of Salters Lane to handle distribution and transport demands.

Environmental Health: No reply has been received in response to a letter sent to a local farmer on health conditions. The clerk to contact the farmer to enquire what actions have been taken.

Electoral Wards: Cllr Martin attended a meeting on this subject. The boundaries are now being re-addressed.

Village Entrance: An on site meeting was held at the entrance to Lower Moor with an Halcrow representative and PC members to review initial schemes associated with the bypass. A landscape plan has been requested and is due before the next meeting.

General: The clerk to contact the WDC again to replace the Manor Road sign. The clerk to follow up the request for the map of footpaths with WCC also the clearance of footpath 13. A new litter bin is to be sited on the village green adjacent to the Car Park. Extensive mud on Salters Lane/Blacksmiths Lane has been brought to the attention of the Farm Manager and WDC as also the hedge cutting and ditch clearance. The next meeting of the parish council will be on November 1.