WEDNESDAY CLUB: The club met on October 3 when Mrs M Boath presided. After distributing the birthday cards, members welcomed the Evergreen Club from Ferry View, Evesham, as guests for the afternoon. The trip to Weston was very enjoyable. The evening drive takes place on October 23 when the coach leaves the village hall at 4.30pm and concludes with supper at Wheelbarrow and Castle. The Christmas shopping in November will be at Touchwood, Solihull and more details regarding this will be available later. Members were reminded that next month's meeting is the annual bring and buy sale. The ladybirds from Malvern provided the entertainment for the afternoon. As always their musical programme was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone. Mrs Miller gave the vote of thanks. Cakes for tea were given by Mrs Turner, Mrs Harris, Mrs Reade and Mrs Bennett. Delicious and appetising sausage rolls were supplied by Mrs Wetton. A donation of tea and sugar was received from Mrs Coldicott. Tea was served by Mrs Neal and helpers - a big thank you to all.