WEDNESDAY CLUB: The club celebrated Apple Day this year by welcoming the Park Street Pippins. The group of four very talented ladies entertained members with a variety of items on the theme of fruit in general and apples in particular. One or two of the songs were rather fruitier than we expected but hugely enjoyable. We especially enjoyed the rendition of Jerusalem that suggested a wholly new use for home-made jam. The hall had been decorated with apples great and small, we do thank Jill and Graham Haydon for providing large quantities of Howgate Wonders. Tom Crossley kindly presented the president with a Maiden's Blush - very rare! The next meeting is on November 14 at 3pm in the village hall. The club will be paying tribute to 'Old Ilmington and its people'. Anyone who would enjoy a relaxed afternoon indulging in a little quiet nostalgia and examining some examples of village history will be made most welcome.