THE MICKLETON SOCIETY: The chairman John Atherton warmly welcomed members of the society on October 1 to the first of a new season of meetings. The illustrated talk was given by Squadron leader Beryl Escott (rtd), who drew on her own published material for a number of pen-portraitures of women in the 20th century who had displayed marked acts of courage in unusual circumstances. Understandably, exploits from two World Wars caught the eye - those of an ambulance driver and a special agent behind the lines, but peace time too yielded examples of an astronaut, a schoolgirl and, last but not least, the schoolteacher Lisa Potts. Inevitably, any selection is a personal choice, but the blend satisfactorily judged the mood of the audience, whose appreciation and thanks were conveyed at the close by Sarah Lancaster. Society members are reminded that tickets for the Christmas supper on December 3 will be available at next month's meeting on November 5, when Mr Fawcett will reveal further secrets in 'More from Mr Chips'!