Sylvia Beardshaw has been re-elected president. Addressing members, she emphasised how WI has forged links with the wider community, and she paid tribute to retiring secretary Elizabeth Mountford.

The meeting was attended by WI adviser Joan Ellis, who stressed the neet for a national organisation, as without the three-tier structure, WI would become just a group of clubs.

Recent events have included a bridge drive, a craft and produce sale, and the 80th birthday party, organised by Christine Hickman-Smith.

A This is Your Life-style tribute was staged to commemorate the long-service of Freda Page.

The meeting ended with a talk by Barbara Maskell, on Stylish Scarves, assisted by Judy Fitzpatrick and Joyce Rowthorn demonstrating the traditional ways scarves are aown.

The next meeting will be at the village hall on November 7, at 7.30pm.