I used to believe that football clubs at professional level had an obligation to entertain the paying spectator. That can't be the case at Kidderminster.

Having watched their performance at Shrewsbury, where the Harriers didn't look like having a shot on goal, let alone score, I wonder why Lionel Newton fails to understand why attendances are way below-par.

They have scored fewer goals than any other club in the entire Football League.

No doubt, he was a successful businessman and the club will remain grateful for his capital injection and his ability to lure a big name manager.

That combination put the icing on the Dave Reynolds cake and the rest is history.

Running a business and a football club are two separate issues - and no-one would blame him for baling out.

Benefactors at this level are few and far between and there has to be a limit to their personal expenditure.

But why should he expect heavy local business sponsorship?

Is there a specific reason why the town's largest employer only runs to a matchball once a season and an advertising board, preferring to pay fortunes for glossy magazine ads with females dressed in carpet?

We see the total lack of deference to previous pillars of the club having their life tickets removed and, at the same time, public pronouncements that the money from Lee Hughes' sell-on is allocated.

That includes about a third back to himself for a personal loan re-payment and none of it available for new players as the season's budget has already been spent when clearly a goalscorer is needed.

None of it was going to repay money owed to Dave Reynolds, a man largely responsible for where this club is today.

But if he does decide to quit, thanks for what you have done Mr Newton and perhaps the gloom and doom will disappear and missing supporters will come back?

Craig Sanger

Franche Road, Wolverley

Lionel Newton is threatening to quit, unless Kiddermin-ster Harriers average 2,500.

He should quit now while he is still ahead.

The London area has Wimbledon, the Manchester area Bury and the Birmingham area Harriers - and they are all struggling for spectators.

We all have to pay for our hobbies and I am afraid that some football clubs are just that, if you are the chairman.


Beauchamp Avenue


With reference to Lionel Newton's comments about Kidderminster people supporting the Harriers, how about Lionel supporting our local industry?

He has dumped MG Sportswear, who had supplied Harriers for a number of years, for a French company.


Windermere Way
