I SEE that Messrs Pinney and Burgess are at their favourite occupation again of sniping at Anita Knittel and others and even the Government for disagreeing with them.

They really are like petulant schoolboys, afraid that their favourite toy is to be taken away from them - the toy, in this instance, being wild animals hunted and suffering a degrading death.

They can massage statistics and bluster as much as they like. But the bottom line is they wish to see the perpetuation of this disgusting country pursuit and will do anything in their power to try to stop it being banned.

Let us hope that the MPs who saw the video of the torture and death of a fox and were so sickened by it will not be intimidated and vote according to their consciences when the time arrives.

There is enough cruelty in this world without continuing this terrible sport.


Lower Wick,
