PICTURES of homeless children streaming out of Afghanistan, now the war on terrorism has started, have brought home once again the desperate plight of the innocents all over the world.

For people whose hearts are touched but feel powerless to help, there is a simple way - contact Bob James, organiser of Operation Christmas Child.

On behalf of Samaritan's Purse, the 59-year-old, from Sedgeberrow near Evesham, organises the Shoebox Appeal that sends Christmas gifts directly to deprived children in Eastern Europe and the Balkans.

Three years ago the appeal was launched in the Journal and the response was astounding.

Tens of thousands of readers packed shoeboxes full of exciting gifts and needy items to bring a little light into children's stressed-filled lives.

Now Mr James is appealing to people, once again, to give as much as they can.

He said: "We are a Christian organisation but it matters not one jot the colour or creed of these children we reach out to.

"We do it to celebrate our Christmas and to send hope that somebody, somewhere, actually cares about them."

Last year 65,000 shoeboxes were part of a huge haul sent to countries including Azerbaijan, Kosovo, Serbia, Romania and Russia from Mr James's area which covers Worcestershire, Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire.

This year, some will also go to the Afghanistan refugees.

The UK amount contributes to the worldwide figure collected of more than four million shoeboxes.

Mr James, a retired Long Lartin prison officer said: "I hope to make it 80,000 from my area this year."

He will be working tirelessly from now until Christmas, appealing to schools and other organisations to join in, then picking up the filled shoeboxes from around the three counties to be packed off to a central UK distribution point.

He would dearly like helpers but, more urgently, needs the loan of a van and a warehouse until Christmas, before any boxes can be collected.

Mr James said: "I am hoping that kind-hearted business people will help out, as it is only for a short while.

"I know there are quite a few empty warehouses in Evesham."

At present, Mr James drives hundreds of miles a week around the three counties, giving talks to schools and clubs on a voluntary basis.

He said: "I couldn't do it if I wasn't retired.

"If there is anyone else out there who could help me I would be delighted.

"It needs someone who is happy to talk to groups of people and school assemblies about Christmas Child and enthuse them enough to take part."

In past years, Mr James has been privileged enough to accompany the lorries and distribute the boxes directly to the needy children.

He said: "It is very touching - I could weep. One little girl got a skipping rope in her box but she couldn't use it because she was sick with Aids."

"We were able to swap it for a cuddly rabbit, which she clung to until she died just a few weeks later."

Anyone who would like to fill a shoebox needs to obtain a leaflet which will have labels for the outside to indicate what age range and sex the present is intended for.

They can be obtained at the Journal Series offices in Evesham's High Street, Cook's Alley in Stratford and 10 Old Market Way, Moreton.

There will also be an envelope for a contribution of £2 towards transport.

For more information, contact Mr James on 01386 881605 or his mobile on 07980 187909.