MEMBERS of the Evesham branch Royal British Legion are seeking the help of townspeople to find out more about the Evans family.

The branch has been left a collection of Second World War medals in the will of F H Evans. When they were examined closely, it was found that some belonged to him and others to his brother F C Evans who was in the Navy.

"I used to go and visit F H Evans when he was in a retirement home in Greenhill, Evesham," said Donald Jelfs, welfare officer with Evesham RBL. "It was, of course, not until after his death that we learned he had left the medals to us and so know nothing about them or the family."

Mr Jelfs said he did know that the Evans family lived at The Woolpack in Port Street in the late 1940s when it was a pub.

"There may be someone around the town who knew them and might have photographs of them we could have," he said.

He explained the intention was to frame the medals and to put them on display in the Servicemen's Club in Coronation Street, and it would be good if there were photographs to go with them as well.

Anyone able to help can contact Mr Jelfs on 01386 45062.