VALE rail passengers could be affected by the Government's decision to take back control of Railtrack, local MP Peter Luff has warned.

Mr Luff fears that rail projects he described as "vital" to the Cotswold Line could be in danger of being scrapped in the wake of what he called "re-nationalisation" of the track operator.

Mr Luff, who represents Mid-Worcestershire, has expressed his concerns in a letter to Transport Secretary Stephen Byers.

He told Mr Byers that prospective rail projects in the constituency "must be in jeopardy", blaming what he described as "incompetent handling" of the industry over recent years.

Among the projects he said would be at risk were increasing capacity on the Cotswold Line. He said the extra capacity was "urgently needed if my constituents in the Vale of Evesham are to have a reliable and adequate rail service".

Efforts to encourage use of the Cotswold Line - which runs from Worcester to Paddington - by developing a Worcester Parkway, could also be affected, he added.

"The private sector, having been so shabbily treated by the Government, is unlikely to be willing to invest further in rail infrastructure," said Mr Luff in his letter to Mr Byers.

"If it does invest, it is only likely to do so at extremely high interest rates, making the investment unaffordable," he went on.

"Indeed, this may apply to a wide range of other public-private partnerships too, outside the rail industry.

"If that happens," he told the Transport Secretary, "then you will have to fund the vital improvements to the rail network and other public services from taxation - meaning less money for schools and hospitals."

Mr Luff demanded reassurance for his constituents that their rail services would improve between now and the next General Election.