SCHOOLGIRL Jo Loris who was killed when a car plunged down a 30ft embankment told teachers her life ambition the day before she died.

The redhead, who was due to celebrate her 16th birthday on Sunday, dreamed of becoming a famous jockey and lavished love on her two horses, Breeze and Chelsea.

In a piece written at Queen Elizabeth High School on Monday, Jo spoke of her passion for show jumping, hunting and showing, and listening to R'n'B and hip hop.

She was on her way to tell friends about the saddle she was getting for her birthday when the Ford Orion left the A44 Worcester Road on Tuesday night.

The teenager, of Westhills, Bromyard, died in Hereford General shortly afterwards.

Distraught parents Elaine and Michael, who were overcome with grief, described their daughter as a bubbly girl with a zest for life.

Choking back tears, best friend Lucy Hodgson said everybody knew and loved Jo, who leaves older siblings Amanda, Fiona, and Michael.

"She was the life and soul of the party, always herself and never cared what people thought," she said.

"I dragged her to see 5ive a while ago and she ended up enjoying herself more than me. She was like that."

As well as being goal shooter in the school netball team, Jo excelled at many sports.

"She could get the ball in without even looking at the net," said tearful friend Lucy Pilliner.

Fellow redhead 15-year-old Emma Jenkins said Jo, who was due to start her first part-time first job on Wednesday, made her feel "proud to be ginger".

"She wanted to be the first world-famous ginger jockey," she said.

"She always looked the best. She was beautiful."

Ian Mowbury, 19, who is believed to have been Jo's boyfriend, and a friend were both discharged from hospital after the accident at 9.40pm at Linton, near Bromyard.

A longed-for prefect badge, due to be presented to Jo the day after the accident, now lies with her floral tributes.

"We want her to know she'll be missed by many people," said Lucy.

"We'll never forget her."

n Police investigating the crash in which Jo Loris died are appealing for a key witness to come forward.

Officers are keen to talk to a man, possibly a lorry driver, who was the first person on the scene.

He helped one of the injured male passenegrs and was believed to have had a torch.

Police are urging this man, anyone who knows him, or any other witnesses, to contact PC Colin Mears on 01432 276422.