Pershore football team was left with a "severe ear injury" after a fracas broke out during a football match.

Mick Preece was taken to Redditch's Alexandra Hospital when the mid-table clash between Pershore Town and Coventry Marconi was abandoned in the 78th minute.

Mr Preece was left "bruised and battered" after the incident on Wednesday night and was recovering at home today.

A spokesman for Coventry police said the trouble flared after a disagreement between two players on opposing sides.

"A number of other players and supporters got involved as the disturbance escalated at the Allard Way ground in Coventry," she said.

"This resulted in a 57-year-old man suffering a severe ear injury.

"We're keen to hear from any witnesses."

Pershore Town's assistant manager Mike Pugh said the club had no comment to make.

The club has now postponed its matches tomorrow and Wednesday.

Any witnesses should contact Coventry police on 0845 113 5000.