WELLINGTON Heath Parish Council will be holding a planning meeting on Tuesday starting at 7.30pm in the committee room of the new Memorial Hall.

All residents of the village are invited to attend. Items on the Agenda are two applications for Swallow Farm, NE2001/2626F and NE2001/ 2604F, applicant Mr D Hill: NE2001/2600F Tree View House, applicant Mr & Mrs Palmer and NE2001/2551F Pegs Farm, applicant C J Nicolls. In addition the meeting will consider any further applications received by the date of the meeting. If anyone wishes to see the plans for any of the above applications, they may be seen at the Herefordshire office near St Katharine's Hall.

The horticultural society held a meeting in October in Christ Church. 32 people attended and listened to a talk given by Mrs R Brooks on Hardy Bulbs in the Garden. Members were fascinated at the variety of bulbs, which could be planted and the different effects they could create. The society's next meeting will be held in the new Memorial Hall, when the speaker will be Bob Hares, formerly of Pershore College. His subject will be Autumn Colour. This also promises to be a very interesting talk. The meeting will start at 7.30pm. Non-members are welcome to attend, there will be small charge.

The Autumn village newsletter has now been distributed; if anyone has not received a copy please contact Mr Peter Garnett on 01531 632515.

You are reminded about the budget meeting which will be held in November, all residents of the village are invited to attend, and listen to the discussion of the councillors. If anyone has any matter they would like considered at that meeting, please contact the clerk on 01531 633853 or any of the parish Councillors. A complete list of councillors, with contact numbers, is on page one of the village newsletter.