West Malvern has recently lost two of its oldest residents. Mrs Ruth Shakespeare, who died in her late 90s, was the widow of the late Dr W G Shakespeare, for many years the much loved village doctor in West Malvern and a man about whom many tales survive. Mrs Shakespeare herself was a close friend of the late Lady Beauchamp and at one time used to play bridge every week at Madresfield Court.

Some ten years younger was Noel Kay, a resident of Montpellier Road who worked for many years as a design draughtsman at Pale Manor, the 'RSRE North Site'. He once apologised to your correspondent for his custom of wearing a skirt and high heels, but was re-assured that this was no problem to a Scot well used to English cracks about the kilt! Ingenious and practical, he would show visitors a beautifully boxed working sextant he had made from bits and pieces while still at school in his native Lancashire. A kindly gentle man who lived alone, he will be remembered with affection by many as one of West Malvern's unconventional but amiable residents.

Many people will be disappointed to learn that the 'Home Zone' proposal for Lower Road, West Malvern, was dropped at the last minute from the county council's bid for central government funding. It is understood that it has been decided to concentrate on the other two of the three schemes originally put forward, the Westlands estates in Droitwich, and Duke of Edinburgh Way in Great Malvern

Yet another date for the autumn diary. A Christmas craft fair is being organised by the Village Hall committee for Saturday, November 24, 11am -3pm. A wide variety of crafts will be on display, many of them for sale, with refreshments available throughout and all proceeds in aid of hall funds. The venue? You guessed: West Malvern Village Hall.

This Sunday will see the latest in the series of monthly childrens' services at St James's Church. The special service, at 10.30am, will be followed by light refreshments and children (of all ages!) will be welcome.