A VALUABLE blue-faced Leicester ram has gone missing in mysterious circumstances from a farm near Upton-upon-Severn.

The animal, worth around £700, is the latest in a succession of sheep to vanish from the farm in recent years.

Puzzled farmer Archie Smith-Maxwell, of Welland Lodge, says there is no way it could have escaped.

He said: "It could not have got through any of my fences, they're very strong- and I've searched for it for miles around."

Mr Smith-Maxwell, who will celebrate 50 years on his farm next year, said the sheep was the fifth or sixth of its type to go missing from his farm in as many years.

The ram had a yellow tag in its ear when it went missing, with 3138R printed on it. If it has been stolen Mr Smith-Maxwell fears the tag cuold have been removed, not only to stop identification, but also to avoid falling foul of current Government regulations controlling the movement of livestock. The sheep also has several notches in its ear.

Anyone with any information on its whereabouts should contact police on 01905 723888.