I feel the constantly inventive and thoughtful performance of The Caretaker I saw deserved a more positive notice than the one given by your reviewer (Malvern Gazette, October 12). Far from appearing "dated" this production made Pinter's masterpiece highly relevant to these times and, particularly in the menacing character of Mick, showed some very 21st Century touches. If anyone really finds its themes and dialogue dated, perhaps they should get out more and listen to voices in cafes and pubs. Pinter's ear for the quirkiness of "ordinary" speech is remarkable.

Your reviewer seems utterly out of sympathy with the aims of the play in, for example, apparently wishing for female characters - a bit like wishing Robinson Crusoe had been washed up on an 18-30 holiday island. In The Caretaker claustrophobic inertia is central to the effect.

Martin Reed, West Malvern.