LEDBURY company Helping Hand has been fined £2,500 after an employee crushed and burned two fingers in a printing machine.

Brian Hadlington, who had worked for the company for ten years, had the tip of a finger amputated after the accident.

The company, which is based on the Bromyard Road Trading Estate and produces aids for the disabled, reported the March 5 accident to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE).

Sara Nesbitt, for the HSE, told Herefordshire Magistrates the hot foil printing machine had been altered by the company's engineers six years ago so that it could be used without safety guards. They also changed a food pedal from electric to hydraulic power to by-pass normal safety features.

The machine, which presses gold lettering on to 25,000 plastic strips a month, often became blocked. While Mr Hadlington had his fingers in the machine he accidentally stood on the hydraulic pedal, bringing one tonne down on his fingers.

Managing director Gavin James pleaded guilty to contravening the Health and Safety Act. He told the court the company 'very much regretted' the injury. He said all HSE recommendations had since been implemented.

Fining Helping Hand £2,500 and ordering £1,406 in costs be paid to HSE, magistrates thanked Mr James for co-operating so diligently with safety inspectors.