A WYCHE teenager who became one of the first members of the United Kingdom Youth Parlia-ment believes it is making a mark after being officially recognised by the Prime Minister.

Chase pupil Rebecca Davies, 14, says the parliament is taken seriously in political circles and was overwhelmed when Worces-tershire's MYP's received letters from members of its senior equivalent.

"We've received letters from Tony Blair and William Hague and it's like wow! They know about us?

"Having a letter from Mr Blair is pretty amazing!"

The Year 10 pupil, elected earlier this year along with two other members from Worcestershire, is currently helping prepare drugs awareness for young people events, including a presentation that will go in front of the House of Commons.

"Because it's the first year it has been running I don't think anybody had any expectations but I definitely feel I've been listened to," she said.

She is now preparing the ground for the Parliament's next MYP's, due to be elected in January, 2002.