THE St Michael's Singers from Coventry Cathedral will be singing Faure's Requiem at the English Symphony Orchestra's Remem-brance concert in Malvern Theatres next month.

The Singers have a long and fruitful relationship with the ESO, but this year the association is particularly appropriate, given the destruction of Coventry Cathedral from the air during the Second World War.

William Boughton, the orchestra's artistic director, said: "The Remem-brance concert is always a special occasion, and one in which we all come together to commemorate those who have given their lives in service of their nation.

"This year, however, has a very special relevance with the recent atrocities in New York and the impending threat of war.

"These current affairs have touched us all in some way and in a remarkable way has brought the world a little closer together to fight the threat of terrorism."

Paul Leddington Wright, conductor of the St Michael's Singers, is also conducting the Remembrance concert and chose the programme.

The Singers were founded in 1962 with the opening of the new cathedral, and took part recently in the Songs of Praise 40th anniversary concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

He said: "All the music is well known and popular, especially Faure's Requiem, which is one of the best-loved of requiem settings."

Also on the programme is another Faure piece, entitled Cantique de Jean Racine, which Mr Leddington Wright described as a short choral work in the same emotional vein as the Requiem.

The concert opens with Grieg's Holberg Suite and then goes on to Samuel Barber's Adagio, which was performed at the Last Night of the Proms following the September 11 disaster.

The evening also includes the Bach Concerto in D Minor for Two Violins, performed by two of the ESO's principal players, Janet Masters and Susan Burnard.

The Faure Requiem closes the concert. The soloist in the evocative Pie Jesu will be the Worcester Cathedral Choir treble Ben Roberts, and bass Mark Robinson will also be singing.

The concert is on Friday, November 9, at 7.30pm. Tickets (£6-£22; under 18s £4) are available from the box office on 01684 892277.