THREE cheers for Friends of the Earth's Chris Cream, and Christine Jordan of Stop Kidderminster Incinerator. They deserve the support of Worcestershire people in their campaign against Worcestershire County Council's waste disposal strategy.

They won't get if of course. Worcestershire people don't give a fig about "waste", indeed there seems little point in collecting waste, when Worcestershire people appear quite content to see it blowing down their streets, and piling up beneath roadside hedges.

Worcestershire's waste management strategy is environmental vandalism. Will they tell us what the anticipated levels of carcinogenic dioxins will be in the population next to the proposed incinerator?

Most of what we put in those bins is packaging waste, from the supermarket industry. I should like our county council to tell us how billions of plastic bottles and containers, that have no "second use value" are going to be economically recycled.

N TAYLOR, Worcester.