I WRITE regarding your lead story on the front page of the Evening News on Friday, October 5.

I was a patient of Dr David Norton for several years until I moved out of the area in 1994. I always found him to be a model of professionalism and integrity, very caring, personable and totally committed.

His surgery is the only practice I know of which still operates an open surgery system where patients can turn up and present themselves to a doctor without a prior appointment.

In my experience there was always a queue of people who were prepared to wait because they particularly wanted to see Dr Norton.

I had his undivided attention and no stone would go unturned in his efforts to pinpoint my problem.

In 1993, I became seriously ill with ME. I was 37 and thought I would never work again. ME was not recognised by many doctors in those days, but Dr Norton diagnosed it on my first visit. He explained everything he knew about it and was totally supportive.

I obviously know nothing of the case reported in the Evening News and Dr Norton has, quite rightly, declined to comment - doctor/patient confidentiality is paramount. But if, in the future, I found myself living in the same area where Dr Norton was practising, I would have absolutely no hesitation in beating a path to his door.


Tenbury Wells.