THE coalition being constructed by the Western allies among Muslim countries against terrorism needs more than fine words about Islam and selected quotations from the Koran about "peace" to succeed.

Any assumption that the world can return to business as usual after al Qaida and the Taleban have been driven from Afghanistan, if that is the outcome, is a fool's paradise.

Before the atrocities on September 11, the world was already faced with a new assertion of American self-interest attempting to impose itself across the globe. The proposed Missile Defence System was an acknowledgement by the USA that its policies make enemies, not friends.

In supporting the USA in Afghanistan, Britain must extract a price. That is to demand that the USA joins the family of humanity in common interest through the United Nations and ceases to subvert foreign governments in pursuit of selfish economic interest.

America can buy what it needs around the world. It does not need military forces in the Middle East or anywhere else to trade. The USA should resume diplomatic relations with Iran, Iraq, Libya, Cuba, North Korea and others and leave the people of these countries to order their own affairs.

Gangster regimes and human rights should be the business of the United Nations.

If a Muslim country wishes to run under Shari'a law, that is the business of its government and people, not ours. Muslims who want to live in the West should be welcomed and not be treated as "bogus".

If the USA is serious about defeating terrorism, then it can start by ceasing the bombing of Iraq and insisting that all Israeli settlements on the West Bank be removed and Israel begin making peace with its neighbours.

Bombs and cruise missiles are a bankrupt tactic and will only create more enemies and terrorists.