I AM not surprised that the Chief Executive of Worcestershire County Cricket Club (You Say, October 9) could not find any details of Mr Margrett on his database - he is probably too polite to keep a file marked "persistent moaners".

Why does Mr Margrett think he has some sort of divine right to watch cricket more cheaply than the rest of us?

As a supporter of the club for more than 40 years, I choose to spend some of my limited cash on membership.

I would like to be a regular at Villa Park, but I cannot afford to do so. Thus, I accept that my support has to be at second-hand and do not whinge about it.

He makes no mention of the reduced entrance charges available for county matches at New Road after lunch and tea, which are broadly in line with the pensioner reductions given at our nearest neighbours, Warwickshire and Gloucestershire.

He also seems unaware of the dire financial straits of most football and cricket clubs. Were it not for sponsorship of competitions and money for TV rights, only a handful of either would still be going, and yet he feels hard-done-by when asked to pay a reasonable sum for his entertainment.

Judging by the number of senior citizens at county games last summer his view is not shared by the majority of his peers.

