MP Mike Foster has won a promise that any flood defences built in Bewdley will not have a "detrimental effect" on Worcester.

The Worcester Labour MP raised the issue of the defences having a "knock-on" effect during a Commons debate.

Floods Minister Elliot Morley replied: "The assessment of any flood defence scheme takes into account any possible detrimental effects downstream, or within the catchment area."

Mr Foster also pressed the Minister to make sure money was available to pay for any flood defence work recommended for Worcester by the Environment Agency.

Mr Morley avoided giving a firm promise. But he said: "By 2003, expenditure on flood and coastal defences will have increased by 50 per cent.

"We recognise that there is a need for more resources."

In the same debate, Wyre Forest MP Dr Richard Taylor asked Mr Morley to recognise the "expertise" within the Bewdley Residents' Flood Committee.

Dr Taylor said the group was seeking funding to to try and set up a national flood defence forum and flood action network.

Mr Morley replied: "I would pay tribute to the residents' committee.

"They have been to see me in London and I was very impressed with their energy, their ideas and their drive.

"In relation to the proposals for a national forum, they have not submitted any ideas to the Ministry directly.

"But if they would care to do so, then I will of course give them careful consideration."

Mr Foster is currently setting up a Parliamentary group to combat the risk of more catastrophic flooding from the River Severn.

He wants MPs from across the political divide to work together on a "co-ordinated action plan" and to lobby for extra funds.