WORCESTER'S Racial Equality Council has appointed a new Racial Equality Officer to oversee employment and education.

Sheleen McCormack, who joined the city-based equality council two weeks ago, is responsible for promoting race relations as well as representing workers in tribunal cases.

The trained barrister, who has worked as a lecturer in law, will liaise with companies, schools and the service sector to promote equal opportunities and good working relations.

"I've always been interested in the area of employment and this is an ideal opportunity to improve the lives of a lot of people," she said.

"It's challenging and interesting work which can make a difference to the community."

But the 32-year-old added that although the city had felt "ripples" after the September 11 attacks, it enjoyed a strong sense of racial harmony - although there was room for improvement.

She added racism was not just confined to ethnic minorities as travellers and other groups could also be subjected to harassment.

"Generally, the people of the city have said 'no' to racial hatred," said the mother-of-two.

"But I'm afraid there is some discrimination which needs to be addressed.

However, I've found the people to be very welcoming and keen to work with the council."