A MATURE student won a sports scholarship in America after graduating from University College Worcester.

Brendan Meehan is currently studying for a Masters degree in Adapted Physical Education in Indiana.

He graduated from UCW with a first in Sports Studies with Information Technology.

For the next year, he will be working in the PE department at Ball State University preparing lessons and teaching sports students on including school pupils with physical disabilities in mainstream sports education.

The 41-year-old left school at 16 and worked as an electronics engineer.

He became a part-time IT tutor and technician at a secondary school.

He started at UCW after completing an Access to HE course in 1998.

"When I first started I was worried about being a mature student in PE - the other mature students were about 25," said Brendan.

"All the students and staff accepted me and I was treated as an intrinsic member of the student community.

"My main career aim since starting university has been teaching or lecturing in sport, PE or IT.

"This scholarship is going to provide the best of both worlds and is an amazing opportunity."

Brendan's main interest is sport and last year he completed an Ironman Triathlon - 2.5-mile swim, 112-mile cycle and 26-mile run.