THE first woman has graduated from a male-dominated degree at University College Worcester and proved that dyslexia is no obstacle to educational achievements.

Julie-Ann Seward was awarded a BA (Hons) in Public Services in the awards ceremony yesterday.

The 41-year-old, from Ledbury, initially took an HND in Public Services and topped it up with a year at the St John's college.

The degree focuses on themes such as health, crime and aspects of management in the public services.

"I'm absolutely delighted to get my degree," said Julie, who had a work placement at West Mercia police.

"I won't pretend it's been easy, but all the hard work has been worth it.

"It was an interesting experience being the only woman on the course. Many public services such as the police or fire brigade are traditionally male domains.

"More women are definitely needed in the public services, particularly at management level."

Julie completed the course following support for her dyslexia.

"When I took my HND, I didn't tell anybody I was dyslexic," she said.

"I felt embarrassed about it and didn't want to make a fuss. Somehow you just struggle on.

"The support I've had from UCW has been brilliant.

"I'm so pleased to have my degree and hope it will encourage other dyslexics to carry on with their education."

Julie's independent study looked at whether the police entrance exam discriminated against people who are dyslexic.