A WORCESTER student fears she could end up having wasted almost £30,000 in university fees if she cannot find £40,000 to fund the rest of her course.

Anna Martin is facing up to the possibility of having to abandon her Glasgow veterinary science course unless she cannot find tuition fees of £13,500 a year, as well as living expenses.

Anna thought she was on the way to achieving her lifelong ambition of becoming a vet when she started at veterinary school two years ago.

Failing to reach high enough grades at A-level, she battled through re-sits and still did not achieve good enough marks.

Instead, she took a biochemistry course on the advice of veterinary schools and easily won a place at Glasgow after being award a 2:1 degree.

Then rules for university funding were changed and she discovered she would be paying hefty fees.

Up until now, she has been relying on bank loans, charity support and her parents. Now the financial burden of her annual fees means she may have to abandon her dream.

Either her parents, who live in Bransford Road, St John's, Worcester, face possible financial ruin, or she will have to give up her course.

Anna is now hoping a Worcester business or individual will be able to loan her money to tide her over until she completes the course.

"I've wanted to be a vet since I was 11, after I saw our vet save my pet rabbit who had been attacked by a fox," she said.

"People didn't take me very seriously at the time, but I was fascinated with how they saved him.

"I was never sure if I could afford it, but decided I'd go for my dream and just hope something would come through.

"I'm not looking for charity. I just need someone who would be willing to lend me the money until I finish my course. Then I can pay it back."

Anyone wanting to help Anna, aged 24, is invited to call 01905 428035.