I WAS a little surprised at Councillor Derek Prodger's sudden outburst of anger at find finding a mass of litter strewn across a path way in a very small corner of his ward (Evening News, October 10). Where has he been all these years, or is it that he has just got out of his car and started walking?

As a commuter from Malvern every day, I spend a lot of time walking through Malvern Link, early in the morning avoiding exactly the same kind of rubbish that he found, not to mention the vomit and spit.

I then wait on litter strewn platform, where the overnight yobs, probably under-age drinkers, have left there trademark. Sometimes, the waiting room is vandalised. After arriving at Foregate Street station I have to repeat the process.

I am surprised that when he was Mayor, he didn't see it then. Perhaps by the time he arrived at his Chambers, the City Cleaning Contractors had performed the unenviable task of cleaning it all up.

R J DOVEY, Malvern.