IT is regrettable - but very revealing - that Colin, a member of the Layland family that dominates the so-called Independents, casts the offensive slur on the residents of Brickfields, Tolladine and Rainbow Hill that they would blindly vote for "a cardboard cut-out of Mickey Mouse" (You Say, October 13).

It might, of course, just be that St Barnabas voters over many years have, on the whole, been fairly well-served by their hard-working Labour councillors.

To Peter Alcock (You Say, also October 13), I would point out that all Labour Group policies are decided, in the interests of wider Worcester, through full discussion by all Labour councillors.

This stands in marked contrasts to the apparently rather tawdry ward-specific deals stitched together in order solely to keep the Tory/Independent ship afloat.

Waste skips (for a small minority of wards) rather than bulky waste collection (across the whole city) is just one example of this fundamental difference in approach.


St Barnabas Ward,
