BUDDING Bromsgrove sports stars can look forward to further funding, simply for exercising their vocal chords.

An open meeting is being held at The Council House, in Burcot Lane, on Thursday November 1 to discuss the future of Bromsgrove District Sports Council.

Sports enthusiasts will have the opportunity to seek support for leisure facilities, which may not be available otherwise.

District council principal leisure officer, Alice Davey, said: "A lot of our local clubs are not eligible to apply for a lottery grant but they could get money from the sports council.

"If you are interested in sport, whatever kind, please come and join us.

"The sports council gives grants and support in grass root development, performance, training and education, and could help your organisation."

The meeting is due to be held in the Burcot Room between 7pm and 9pm.

For more information, call Alice on (01527) 881377.