AS a non-Anglican I feel a sadness at the way the controversy at St John's Church, Kidderminster, has allowed the peripheral issues to cloud and almost hide the real basic issue which has brought about this situation.

We can all be prone to "personality bashing" to prove a point but in the end are driven further apart.

My own position - acknowledging my own human frailty - is that I believe there is sufficient compelling evidence in God's will and word that practising homosexuality is wrong and will always rob man of the highest and the best.

Even if man chooses to ignore the evidence in the New Testament as being either unreliable, irrelevant or untrue then I would say compare our body use and lifestyle to the absolute purity and lifestyle of Jesus. The God who created our body did so that it might become a temple of the Holy Spirit.

History is cluttered with accounts of men, great and small, who have been destroyed by this way of life. "Can the blind lead the blind" are serious words from the lips of Jesus, the one who is greater than genetics and circumstances of birth and able to transform and make a new creation of all who come to him.


Rifle Range Road, Kidderminster