HAROLD Musgrove in his interview on BBC Hereford and Worcester has decided that "this is the time for him to relinquish his position" and will depart at the end of the year.

Many of us would have preferred that his "time" had come considerably earlier, together with others who have presided over the reorganisation of our hospitals with results that give cause for concern.

When asked about the downgrading of Kidderminster, he stated that this should really be treated as an "upgrading", presumably referring to the recent increase in the facilities there.

I suppose that having "downgraded" this fine hospital, to then improve the facilities is (at least in his judgement) an "upgrading".

In addition, when questioned about the "keep Kidderminster" campaign he referred to it as a "minor irritant". I applaud the interviewer's comment that "it did get rid of an MP".

The new and much respected MP for Kidderminster must feel pleased at being "a minor irritant".


Battenhall Road,
