A TEENAGER is begging the Prime Minister to tell the Child Support Agency to leave her father alone, because she fears its demands for money will force him to leave Worcester.

Sixteen-year-old San Handley has written to Tony Blair, asking him to intervene and point out that "money can't buy happiness".

Lorry driver Stephen Handley left the family home, in Teme Road, Tolladine, when San was three and has regularly contributed to her upkeep ever since.

But the CSA was recently alerted to the fact that he had not made specific monthly payments and ordered him to pay £4,000 in arrears, along with around £100 per week for San and a younger half-brother.

"This is a ludicrous amount which I don't need and will result in my dad having to sell his house," said San, who is a student at Hindlip College.

"My dad has always been there to buy us clothes, shoes, and school uniforms and we've always had Christmas and birthday presents," she added.

"Although he doesn't make regular contributions, me and my brother Wayne, who's 19, and mum have always been happy with the way things are.

"I'd rather have my dad living round the corner than forced to move away because he can't keep up with these disgusting demands for money.

"My dad's the most wonderful man in the world with a personality and love every child would wish for.

"The CSA are destroying the man I know, respect and love."

San's mum, Debra, said the CSA intervened after she filled in a college form which asked her to disclose her income.

"I receive working family tax credit and have just started working as a bakery assistant and don't agree my ex-husband should make these excessive contributions," she said.

Mr Handley, of Vetch Field Avenue, Warndon Villages, said he was "touched" by the support of his family.

"In order to keep up these payments I would have to work 55 hours a week - I'd rather lose the house, which I've already put on the market," he continued.

"I was off work for two years with a bad back, but I always made paid my way. So I was shocked when this assessment was sent to me. The CSA seem to be made up of some heartless people."

The CSA declined to comment on individual cases.