A DREAM lifestyle has turned into a nightmare of debt and despair for a Malvern postmaster who says he has been forced to shut up shop.

Paul Clarke says he is nearly £30,000 in debt since taking over West Malvern Post Office seven months ago and has no way of saving his business.

The former lorry driver uprooted his family from just outside Aberdeen to move to the picturesque village in March, but will be closing the post office today.

And he blames local villagers for turning a dream into a nightmare.

"The foot-and-mouth outbreak didn't help but we struggled through," he said.

"Yet it has been the lack of support from local villagers which has forced us to close.

"People say they want to keep local post offices, but if no one supports them how can they remain open.

"Those who use the post office are very upset about the closure, but there is nothing we can do. After moving my family from a comfortable home and giving up a good job I am now faced with debts which will take me 10 years to pay off."

The 40-year-old, who claims he is having to drive part-time to make ends meet, said he has sent flyers to local people asking them what they wanted him to stock in an effort to boost trade, but got no response.

He then ploughed money into videos to rent out, but says despite having 80 members he only rents out one video a week.

"When we bought the post office earlier this year we were told the previous owners had been in business for 24 years and could rely on the full support of the community," he said.

"If people hadn't stopped coming in there would not have been a problem, but in the last two months we have seen very few customers.

"I haven't been able to buy any stock for some weeks and can no longer afford to deliver newspapers.

"We will stay in the area because my partner's children go to The Chase High School and I cannot disrupt their education again. But I would rather move away and put all this behind us."