AN amateur theatre group aiming to hit the high notes in its next production has issued a desperate plea for a pianist.

Youngsters of Worcester Operatic and Dramatic Society's Youth Section are on the look out for someone to play at rehearsals for Annie, which the group is staging next year.

"Annie is one of the most enchanting musicals ever, and as it's our 20th anniversary year we are hoping for our biggest hit ever," said producer and director David Humphries.

"But we urgently need a pianist to start in the New Year, say January or February, until the show is put on in August.

''We want someone to play for two hours either on a Friday night or on a Sunday morning."

The production is being staged at Worcester's Swan Theatre from July 30 to August 3, 2002.

The Youth Section's past sell-out performances include Carousel, Godspell and this year's show The Music Man.

The youngsters have also raised thousands of pounds for charity during these events.

Anyone who can help should call Mr Humphries on 01905 350039.